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Administraciones | L'Albufera de Valencia


The legal jurisdiction affecting the conservation of l’Albufera de Valencia has been distributed among various authorities. At times, it can be difficult to know which one of them is in charge of each of the numerous aspects involved in the conservation of such an area.

The main two authorities present in the Natural Park are the Technical Management Office of l’Albufera Natural Park (under the realm of the Regional Government of Valencia) and the Devesa-Albufera Service (under Valencia City Council):

Technical Management Office of L'Albufera Natural Park (Department of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development)

This Management Office is a point of reference, with jurisdiction in the entire protected area. It seeks to ensure the conservation of natural eco-systems and their ecological, educational and scientific assets as well as beauty spots, encouraging people to learn about and enjoy themselves in the Park based on its heritage and cultural value, and to engage in traditional occupations.

Telephone: 961 620 101 Fax: 961 620 103
Address: C/ Pintor Marti Girbes, 23 - 46012 (El Palmar), Valencia.
parque_albufera@gva.es http://www.parquesnaturales.gva.es/web/pn-l-albufera/conocenos

Devesa-Albufera Service (Valencia City Council)

The most ecologically valuable areas in l’Albufera Natural Park (namely, the lake, the Devesa forest and a large portion of the dune eco-system) are located within the municipal territory of Valencia. Moreover, Valencia City Council owns the lake and its shores as well as the Devesa forest. This, in addition to the fact that the municipal territory of Valencia is the largest by population out of the 13 territories within the protected area, means that this Council has a significant part to play in managing this area. The Council has been conferred many powers concerning the conservation of l’Albufera de Valencia.
Valencia City Council has promoted many environmental initiatives and projects implemented in l’Albufera. An example of this is the ENVIRONMENTAL SEDUCTION Project, through which an awareness campaign on l’Albufera has been launched (which includes this website), or the LIFE DUNE and LIFE ENEBRO projects, though which dune areas have been regenerated.

Manager: Antonio Vizcaino Matarredona

Telephone: 961 610 347 Fax: 961 610 037
Address: Viveros Municipales - Carretera CV500 Km. 8,5 – 46012 (El Saler) Valencia
albufera@valencia.es http://albufera.valencia.es

At EU level

L’Albufera Natural Park is part of the Natura 2000 network of European protected areas. Its legal framework was established by the European Commission, which is also in charge of monitoring it.

The European Commission has also launched the LIFE+ Programme, which is a financial tool that provides resources to support and boost various areas under the Natura 2000 network. L’Albufera de Valencia is one of the top areas in terms of number of LIFE projects awarded.

At country level

MARM, the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, is the agency in charge of proposing and developing government policy in the field of protecting the natural heritage, biodiversity and the sea, as well as promoting rural development, agricultural, stockbreeding and fishing resources, etc. About any matters concerning l’Albufera, the following have special representatives:

Directorate General for Sustainability in Coastal and Maritime Zones

Any area contained within the Maritime Terrestrial Public Domain falls under the jurisdiction of this entity.

Contact details: Demarcación de Costas de Valencia

C/ D. Joaquín Ballester, 39 - 6ª planta - 46004 Valencia Tel. 963 079 578

The Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar

This entity is concerned with the condition in which the continental waters, riverbeds and ravines of the Júcar River basin are kept.

Contact details: Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar

Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, nº 48, 46071 Valencia. Tel. 963.938.804 / Fax 963.938.801 / oficial@chj.mma.es / www.chj.es

At regional level

This is the authority in charge of managing the territory of the Region of Valencia, from an environmental, landscape, planning and ordnance perspective. It is particularly important in the management of l’Albufera through the following agencies:

Spanish Environment Agency

It is in charge of drafting, promoting and implementing any appropriate measures for biodiversity conservation, and forest and forestry resource management. The Technical Management Office of l’Albufera Natural Park falls under the above.

  • Natural Areas Section. Management, maintenance and promotion of protected natural areas, and management of biodiversity and its habitats.
  • Forestry Resource Management and Environmental Conservation Section. Planning and management of forestry resources, forest fire prevention, forest maintenance and environmental conservation, biodiversity management, management and regulation of hunting and fishing in the continental area.
  • Environmental Assessment Section. Development, coordination and management of environmental impact statements and strategic environmental assessment of plans and programmes that may have an environmental, economic or social effect, under the applicable legislation.

Water Resource Agency

It deals with planning, management and conservation of water resources in the Autonomous Region of Valencia.

Territory and Landscape Agency

It engages in ordnance and landscape management, land and coastal distribution, and natural area planning and management, by acting as a coordinator of various public authorities with jurisdiction in such matters.

Other Agencies

The Agriculture, Fishing, Foodstuff and Water Agency: It has jurisdiction in development and promotion of the primary sector, seeking to ensure the sector can be competitive, boosting marketing and commercialisation, as well as boosting R&D&I, improving quality, food safety and environmental sustainability.

At local level

Valencia City Council

Valencia City Council, which covers a larger surface area than the rest of the councils composing the protected area, has a major role in maintenance and management duties of the area, carried out mainly through the Devesa-Albufera Service.

Ajuntament de Valencia (Servicio Devesa-Albufera)

Phone number: 961 61 00 21 Fax: 961 61 00 37 The Council’s Citizen Advice Helpline: 010
Address: Viveros Municipales - Carretera CV500 Km. 8,5 – 46012 (El Saler) Valencia
info@albuferadevalencia.com www.albuferadevalencia.com www.valencia.es

  • FOREST RANGERS: At the Forest Ranger Station in El Saler, the Council has a forest rangers squad in charge of surveillance of the Devesa forest and the Lake.
  • COUNTRYSIDE RANGERS: The Municipal Consell Agrari, under Valencia City Council, has a countryside rangers’ service for both Horta Nord and the rice fields in l’Albufera.

City Council mayoral Pedana Albufera Valencia

El Palmar

Calle Caudete, 15 - 46012 (El Palmar) Valencia
Teléfono: 96 162 00 66 Teléfono: 650 713 847

El Saler

Avenida Pinares, 1 - 46012 (El Saler) Valencia
Teléfono: 96 183 02 95 Teléfono: 650 713 848

El Perellonet

Avenida Gaviotas - 46012 (Perellonet) Valencia
Teléfono: 96 177 78 89 Teléfono: 650 713 853


Carrera del Riu, 263 - 46012 (Pinedo) Valencia
Teléfono: 96 324 89 64 Teléfono: 650 713 854

Other Councils

In addition to Valencia, there are 12 other councils with part of its municipal boundaries within the protected environment of the Albufera Natural Park.

Ajuntament d'Albal

Plaça del Jardí, 7 - 46470 Albal
Telèfon 96 126 00 56 - Fax 96 127 08 61
info@albal.es www.albal.es

Ajuntament d'Albalat de la Ribera

Plaça de la Cort, 1 - 46687 Albalat de la Ribera
Telèfon: 96 249 05 00 - Fax: 96 249 20 12
aribera_arx@gva.es www.albalatdelaribera.es

Ayuntamiento de Alfafar

Plaza País Valencià - 46910 Alfafar
Tlno. 96 318 21 26
alfafar@alfafar.com www.alfafar.com

Ajuntament d´Algemesí

Pl. Major, 3 - 46680 Algemesí
Telèfon: 96 201 90 00 - Fax: 96 201 90 01
ajuntament@algemesi.net www.algemesi.net

Ayuntamiento de Beniparrell

Av. Levante, 14 - 46469 Beniparrell
Tel: 96 120 19 02

Ajuntament de Catarroja

Camí Reial, 22 - 46470 Catarroja
Tel. 96 126 13 01 - Fax 96 127 08 45
ajuntament@catarroja.es www.catarroja.es

Ayuntamiento de Cullera

Pza. Virgen 5 - 46400 Cullera
Teléfono 96 172 00 00 - Fax 96 172 00 41

Ajuntament de Massanassa

Plaça de les Escoles Velles, 1 - 46470 Massanassa
Teléfono 96 125 55 00 – Fax 96 125 17 54

Ajuntament de Sedaví

Plaça Jaume I El Conqueridor, 5 - 46910 Sedaví
Teléfono: 96 318 50 40 Fax: 96 396 38 79
ajuntamentsedavi@sedavi.es www.sedavi.es

Ajuntament de Silla

Plaça del Poble 1 - Silla 46460
Tel: 96 120 01 16 - Fax: 96 121 22 23

Ajuntament de Sollana

Plaça Major, 2 – 46430 Sollana
Tel. 96 174 27 10 - Fax 96 174 27 12
www.pistalocal.dival.es pistalocal@dival.es

Ajuntament de Sueca

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, n 17 - 46410 Sueca
Teléfono: 96 170 00 50 - Fax: 96 170 14 34
www.sueca.es sueca@sueca.es